StudioK3 is an artist led, non profit Project Space in Zurich which focuses on contemporary art and networking. 

Essentially, StudioK3 is a place to meet and see contemporary art in Zurich, it aims to encourage the discussion of contemporary art practice whilst giving visibility to its invited artists. It provides exhibition opportunities and an outlet to art practitioners, establishing direct relations with contemporary art practice with Zurich and Swiss based artists, whilst linking Swiss artists with Great Britain and bridging the gap with the international art world.

K3 Project Space was founded by artist Clare Goodwin and art historian Sandi Paucic in their large industrial art studio. Originally based in the old MAAG cogwheel factory in Zurich between 2002 and 2016 "K3 Project Space" has collaboratively - initially often together with curator Oliver Kielmayer - organized around 120 exhibitions and countless performances, discussions, informal meetings and other events. Some of the events took place in London in collaborations with CGP Bermondsey and Coleman Project Space.

During the Covid pandemic StudioK3 launched a new online platform and presented works 'fresh from the studio' from its artist network.

In 2020 StudioK3 temporarily opened a pop up space in the Zürcher Zentralwäscherei.

2021-22 StudioK3 was featured by Kunstmuseum Olten.

In 2022-2023 StudioK3 was running a pop up exhibition space at Müllerstrasse 44, 8004 Zurich.

Currently we are looking for a space and do not organize exhibtions. The StudioK3 Back Office is situated at our Studio in Zurich, Breitensteinstrasse 49A, 8037 Zurich